Blog Post 2

So this post is going to cover 3 different locations I’ve been camp tubbing this year so far.

These locations are all on Vancouver island, BC, Canada. If you’re never been, I would definitely consider googling it to check it out and try a trip one day.

Anyway, let’s start with the worst location.

A pull out by the highway on Buttle lake. This spot is more for a quick nights stay if you’ve got no where else to stay in the area. It stays shady for the majority of the day, and is too close to the road. That means you’re listening to cars all day, all night, and people popping by every few minutes.

The only reason I tried staying here for a night is because it faces west, meaning it has a nice sunset. But that’s about it.

That being said, I stayed close by at Ralph River campsite a while back and it was nice. Other than the mice that ate their way into my trailer at 2am and I had to go sleep on the side of the highway at 7am to actually get some sleep.

Other than that, pretty mice! I mean pretty nice!

A place I always enjoy whenever I go and highly recommend is Stella lake. It’s far from the highway, quiet, has lots of frogs and a frog pond near by, and also faces west for tremendous sunsets. This is also a sand beach. To me it looks like crushed up granite looking sand, making the beach light in colour and very pretty. It is a shared site with pit toilets, and there’s plenty of room if it’s not peak season in the summer.

Lastly is Klaklakama lake campsites, upper and lower. This is a bit further up the highway but definitely worth the drive, and not too far from the road. Far enough I couldn’t hear any traffic. You can definitely get there in a car as the dirt logging road is well maintained. That being said between about 7-4pm beware of fast moving logging trucks. Try to plan your trip around that if you go here. Otherwise this place has great view over the water, nice evening frogs, and my favourite part, loons. It’s quite something special to hear animals going off in their natural habitat, and a loon calling out is in that category. If you haven’t heard it before just check it out quick on YouTube. Almost a Jurassic park type call irl, it’s no wonder it’s on our dollar the loonie.

That’s all for now, the next coming months I will update other cool places I would check out, if I were you.

Stay hot 🥵


Blog post one